Times & Fees

We welcome children from the age of 2 years until they turn 5.

We are open during school term time. 

You have complete flexibility in how you use the Pre-School, spaces permitting.  Please contact us at least a term in advance to apply for a place. Or do get in touch to arrange your free trial session, where you and your child can visit to experience our caring, friendly and fun childcare for yourself.

There are two full sessions per day, plus our lunch club.  Prices from April 2024 are quoted below. 

Morning: 8.45am to 11.45am = £17.50

Lunch club: 11.45am to 12.30pm = £3.85 

Afternoon: 12.30pm to 3.30pm = £17.50

There is also a half termly consumables charge to be paid by all parents of £10, or £15 per half term, depending on the number of days your child attends.

Please note that Government Funding cannot be used to cover the lunch club. It is for the morning or afternoon sessions only.


There are four ways to pay for your sessions. 

  1. Government-funding.  This applies if your child is 2 and you are eligible, or for all children from the term after they turn 3 until they turn 5. This allows up to a maximum of 30 hours per week. To check your exact allowance, click here. 
  2. Tax Free Childcare Account. If you set up an online account with the Government, for every £8 you pay into the account the Government will give you £2, up to a maximum of £2,000 per year. The money in the account can then be used to pay for your childcare cost. To find out more information please click here. Your eligibility for a Tax Free Childcare account can be checked using the following link Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
  3. Childcare vouchers.  We accept a range of childcare vouchers from employers and are happy to join new schemes.  Please contact us to discuss this further. 
  4. Self-funding.  If you are not eligible for any of the above funding, or have used up your maximum allowance, you will be invoiced for all chargeable sessions, including lunch club, at the beginning of every half term.  Payment later than 15 days from the date of the invoice will receive a 20% penalty.