The Pre-School is open during weekday term-times, with a morning and an afternoon session, and our lunch club in between.
The Curriculum is carefully tailored to meet the needs and interests of the children that we have in our Pre-School at that time. There are half-termly themes, like “Spring”, or “Animals’’; and we also have weekly topics like “Changes” to support those children attending who are becoming big brother and sisters, moving house or moving up to primary school. Changes in the seasons and annual religious festivals are incorporated too, and we involve parents by issuing regular newsletters about our plans.
We are very keen to support not only our new children, but also new parents: before your child joins, we hold a New Parents’ information evening to discuss all those little questions you have to help you and your child feel prepared. We provide lots of written information, as well as regular opportunities to talk to your child’s Key Person.
Please get in touch with any questions or to book your free trial session now. You can also find further information in the links below.